Terms & Conditions

Last updated: June 2024

We utilise cookies to enhance your experience on our site, using various technologies that allow us to store and access information on your computer or mobile device. One such technology is cookies, which are small text files that your web browser stores on your device. While some cookies are necessary for our website to function properly and provide relevant information, others recognise your device and preferences. They allow us to recognise you, remember your preferences, improve our website's functionality, and provide the services you request. 

CLIQ Rules:

In order to utilise our App, you are required to set up an account. To create an Account, you must comply with the following:

  • Provide us with your date of birth, first name, and phone number, or sign in via Facebook, Google or Apple account etc.
  • Confirm that you are at least 16 years old.
  • Verify that you are legally allowed to use the App in your country.

When you register for an Account, you give us permission to access, display, and utilise some information from your Facebook, Google, or Apple account, such as your location, profile pictures, relationship status as applicable. For more information on what information that we gather and how we use it, please consult our Privacy Policy.


On the App, you can access three different types of content:

  • Content that you upload and provide (Your Content).
  • Content that members provide (Member Content).
  • Content that the CLIQ provides (Our content).

To ensure that CLIQ remains a safe and welcoming platform for all users, there are certain types of content that we cannot permit. These include:

  • Content that includes offensive language or imagery that may harass, embarrass, upset, alarm, or annoy other users.
  • Obscene, pornographic, or violent content that may be offensive to human dignity.
  • Abusive, insulting, or threatening content that promotes racism, sexism, hatred, or bigotry.
  • Content that encourages illegal activities, such as terrorism or inciting racial hatred.
  • Defamatory or libellous content.
  • Content related to commercial activities, such as sales, advertising, and links to other websites.
  • Spam or junk mail.
  • Content containing spyware, adware, viruses, or other malicious code.
  • Content that infringes on the rights of third parties, including intellectual property and privacy rights.
  • Non-consensual content involving another person.
  • Content that is harmful to minors.
  • Impersonation of another person.

Application of Terms:

These are the terms and conditions that govern the provision of CLIQ to Users. These Terms include any other documents that we inform you are part of them.

Along with these Terms, please also read our Privacy Policy. We are obligated under data protection laws to provide you with certain information regarding your personal data, including how we process it and for what purposes, as well as your rights in relation to your personal data and how to exercise them. This information is outlined in our Privacy Policy, which you can access here. We use cookies and similar technologies on our platform. Please read our Cookie Policy to learn more about how we use these technologies.

When using CLIQ, you are required to comply with all of our Policies, which are incorporated into these Terms. Please be aware that the rules and policies of the AppStore or Google Play may apply to your use of CLIQ.

Zero Tolerance for Objectionable Content and Abusive Users: 

We maintain a strict policy against any form of objectionable content, including but not limited to hate speech, harassment, explicit material, and discriminatory language. Users engaging in such behaviour will face immediate and decisive action.

Uncompromising Stance Against Inappropriate Content and Abusive Behaviour: Our platform maintains an unwavering commitment to providing a safe and respectful environment for all users. Any instance of inappropriate content or abusive behaviour will be met with swift and severe consequences.

No Room for Offensive Content or Abusive Users: We have a clear and unequivocal stance against offensive content and abusive users. Our platform is dedicated to fostering a positive and inclusive community, and any violation of this principle will result in swift and permanent measures.

Respectful Community Guidelines: Our community guidelines are designed to ensure that objectionable content and abusive users have no place on our platform. We prioritise the well-being of our users and will not tolerate any actions that compromise that priority.

Safe Space: No Tolerance for Harmful Content or Abusers: We've created a safe space where users can engage and connect without fear of encountering objectionable content or abusive behaviour. Any users found violating this safety will be promptly dealt with according to our strict policies.

Staunchly Against Objectionable Content and Abusive Users: Our platform takes a firm stand against objectionable content, including hate speech, threats, and any form of abuse. Users found violating this policy will find themselves facing immediate and irrevocable consequences.

Clear and Non-Negotiable Stance on Abusive Behaviour: We maintain a clear and non-negotiable stance against abusive behaviour and content. Our users deserve to interact in a positive and respectful environment, and we will take all necessary actions to ensure that standard is upheld.

Harassment-Free Zone: Our platform is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for all users. We have a zero-tolerance policy for objectionable content and abusive users, and any violations will result in swift and severe penalties.

Empowering Positive Interactions: We empower positive interactions by strictly prohibiting objectionable content and abusive users. Our commitment to maintaining a respectful online space is unwavering, and we will enforce this commitment rigorously.

Community Integrity and Safety: Upholding the integrity and safety of our community is paramount. We actively combat objectionable content and abusive users to ensure that our platform remains a welcoming and enriching space for everyone

Clubs and Events:

When you join/request a club or an activity, the admin will review your request along with other requests and decide which users will be allowed to join/attend. However, the admin has full discretion to choose the users and can limit the overall number of users for any given club or event. We cannot guarantee that you will be selected to participate in any activity.

We or the admin may require additional verifications or information from you before selecting you to join a club or attend an event. If the information provided by you is incomplete or inaccurate, you may not be able to join a club or attend an event

Conduct in Clubs and Events:

When attending or hosting a club or an event, you must act with respect towards other users and should not engage in any unlawful or fraudulent activities or harm any user, animal, or any other person. You must not bully, insult, intimidate, or humiliate any user or person. If we have a reason to limit, change, or cancel an activity, we may do so at our sole discretion. We will try to notify you in advance if possible, but we reserve the right to provide a written explanation if we cannot notify you in advance.

Free and Paid Events:

Admins may host a free Event. Free Clubs and Events do not require any payment, or financial contribution to participate. 

For paid Events and Clubs, admins can sell tickets and memberships through CLIQ via Stripe payment process platform. If an admin needs to change or cancel a confirmed event, they must do so with timely notice to the participant, except for weather, safety, or force majeure reasons. CLIQ does not take any responsibility for any payments taken by third party payment processes. 

Fees associated with Stripe and CLIQ platform for tickets priced at £9.99 and under, Stripe fees will be 1.5% + £0.20. CLIQ fees include a booking fee of £0.39. In total, the fees will be 1.5% + £0.59. For tickets priced at £10 and above, Stripe fees will be 1.5% + £0.20. CLIQ fees will be 3.5% + £0.89, including a booking fee of £0.89. In total, the fees will be 5% + £1.09. 

Payments will be undertaken through Stripe into the event organisers bank account which will be set up when setting up the first event on CLIQ. Payments from tickets minus the commission will be made weekly. 

Restriction on CLIQ:

By using CLIQ, you are agreeing to certain terms of conduct. These include following all relevant laws and regulations, such as privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, equal opportunity laws, and other applicable regulatory requirements. Additionally, you must use your real name and age when creating your account and profile, and conduct yourself in a professional manner when using CLIQ.

On the other hand, you are not allowed to engage in any unlawful or unprofessional behaviour, such as being dishonest, abusive, or discriminatory. Misrepresenting your identity or affiliations with other entities or individuals is strictly prohibited. You are not allowed to disclose information that you do not have consent to share, stalk or harass other CLIQ users, create or participate in a pyramid scheme, fraud, or other similar practices. Moreover, you are not allowed to develop, support, or use any software, devices, scripts, robots, or other types of mobile code, including crawlers, browser plugins, and other technologies, to scrape or copy profiles and data from CLIQ.

At CLIQ, we strive to create a welcoming and secure space for people to share their thoughts and ideas without fear. However, if we find that you have repeatedly or seriously violated our Terms or Policies, we reserve the right to suspend or permanently disable your access and delete your account. Additionally, we may take this action if you frequently infringe on the intellectual property rights of others or if required to do so by law.

We may also delete your account if it remains inactive for an extended period of time, is unconfirmed after registration, or if we detect suspicious activity that suggests your account has been compromised. For further information on account deletion, please refer to our guidelines.

We will always notify you if we take such action and explain your options for requesting a review, unless doing so would cause legal issues or harm our user community, services, systems or Products. We may also be limited by technical issues or legal restrictions.

If your account is disabled or deleted, please refer to our guidelines to learn more about what you can do and how to contact us if you believe we made a mistake in disabling your account.

Changes to Terms:

We reserve the right to make changes to Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy periodically. The latest version will control how we use your information and can always be found at our website. If we deem any changes to this policy to be significant, we may notify you through different means, such as by sending an email to the email address associated with your account or by publishing a notice within our platform.

Termination and Remedies:

These Terms shall come into effect from the date you accept them and shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions set forth herein.

If you wish to terminate these Terms, you may do so by

  • notifying us at any time, and
  • closing your account.

Your notice should be sent to our address below. Please note that if you terminate these Terms.

We may terminate or suspend these Terms, including your account, if you breach any of the terms or if we are required to do so by applicable law. Any termination for cause shall be made at our sole discretion, and we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your account.

If we determine, in our sole discretion, that you have breached any of these Terms, or have engaged in any inappropriate conduct on the platform, we reserve the right to: 

  • notify you via email (using any email address you have provided to us) that you have violated the Terms; 
  • delete any content posted by you; 
  • suspend or terminate your account; 
  • terminate any subscriptions you may have; 
  • notify and/or cooperate with law enforcement authorities for further action; and/or 
  • take any other action that we deem appropriate.

Termination of these Terms or your account will result in the removal of access to your account, and all related information and content associated with or within your account.

All provisions of these Terms, which by their nature should survive, shall survive termination of these Terms, including, without limitation, the Arbitration Agreement, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, and limitation of liability.


Before you can use our platform:

These Terms, which we may update from time to time, constitute the entire agreement between you and us. The Terms supersede all previous agreements, representations, and arrangements between us (whether written or oral), except for the Privacy Policy. Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude any liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

We have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy, availability, completeness, and currency of the information provided on our platform, which we provide on an "as is," "as available" basis. We do not give or make any warranty or representation of any kind about the information on our platform, whether express or implied. Your use of our platform and the materials available on it is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any loss resulting from the transmission, use of data, or inaccurate content posted by our members.

You are responsible for taking all necessary precautions to ensure that any material you obtain from our platform is free of viruses or other harmful components. You acknowledge that our platform may not be provided uninterrupted or error-free, that defects may not be corrected, or that our servers or the platform itself may contain viruses or other malicious software. We are not responsible for any damage to your computer hardware, software, or other equipment or technology, including but not limited to damage resulting from any security breach, virus, bug, spyware, Trojan horse, or any similar malicious software.